Devlog 10: Polish


The artists mainly focused on making environment props and some extra effects. While the programmers focused on adding these effects to the game and refining the menus. We also added some sounds in the gameplay.


We added some sounds to indicate when the rocks fall. Other sounds…….

Camera Shake

There is camera shake when a player dies, when you failed to craft a potion. You also have camera shake when the rocks fall on the ground.

Impact Force

The player has impact force when the rock falls on him, he flies a bit in the air. When a player is hit by a fireball he gets pushed away in the direction of the fireball.


There is an effect to indicate if a player took damage which plays for a short time.

The effect is just a simple red material that we apply to the characters as an overlay material

There is an effect to indicate if you had a successful craft

There is an effect to indicate if the player died

Since we are in a pretty short polish phase we try to save as much time as we can by reusing effects that we already made before.


We added more decoration assets and added them in the level, and the candles, books are floating!

Polished UI

We added a how to play screen which will showed before game starts, and menu screen as well.


You can switch the potions on your chest with the one on your back, the back one is the selected potion. You can switch the selected potion with the right chest potion using right thumb stick (r2) and with the left potion using the left thumb stick l2.

Files 422 MB
33 days ago

Get Potion Madness

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