Devlog 08: Player Feedback & Balancing


We are in the second week of production sprint 2 were we mainly focused on player feedback. We also starting working on our menus and applying our textures to them. Here and there we also balanced some potions. Since we only have a couple of weeks left until polish we decided to drop planned features that are not in the game yet and the witch that was partially in the game.

Potion Belt

You can finnaly visually see when you have a potion. We know that this should have been there sooner. The player can hold a maximum of 3 potions at the same time. To illustrate this the player has 3 sockets on his body where his potion will be attached to.

Rock Potion

We decided to change the rock potion since we felt it become boring after a certain time, you could easily predict and avoid it's effects. The way it's implemented now is that there are 9 possible locations around the player were rocks can fall and only 7 of them actually do. This is random each time to make it less boring and hopefully more dangerous.

Crafting Feedback

we added more player feedback for crafting, Now its visible who is crafting.


The HUD icons has been updated according to the player feedback, and we're happy to say that the UI is almost ready!

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47 days ago

Get Potion Madness

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